fredag den 11. november 2011

Evaluation of english class!

Hello everybody!

As we promised last time; today is 11/11-11 !!

Group 3 and 4 were teaching us today, and they did a very good job!

Group 3: It was a really challengingly to make a poem in Spanish with the selected 10-15 words, but it was really cool, and we learned something - you learn better when you can work with the words in different ways.
Group 4: It was really really fun that we should make a play based on 2 stanzas! You got to work with almost every single words, and that is a good way to understand the meaning of the context!

The mix between English and Spanish with Kristina and Janne is a very good progress!

Xoxo F.A.N.C.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Yo también estoy bastante contenta con la enseñanza, y veo que vuestra clase saca provecho del contenido de los textos tanto en español como en inglés.

    Empezando planear y organizar el proyecto Janne y yo vimos que las dos lenguas tenían varias zonas en común, y por eso acordamos abrir este tema empleando ambas lenguas y de esa manera llegar al tema de diversos caminos.

    Que vosotros al mismo tiempo habéis alcanzado un nivel donde estáis capaces de organizar la enseñaza vosotros mismos creo yo aún más aumenta el producto.

  2. After having looked up a couple of words in the dictionary to understand what Kristina wrote, I must say that I agree with what she writes in her final paragraph.
    I am sorry to have missed a lesson, but glad that I can read your impressions of the class on your blogs.
