onsdag den 16. november 2011

Lesson of the day!

Today’s lesson Wednesday the 16-11-2011 was all in all very good. All students showed a lot of enthusiasm, even though some had to do “The boring” analysis. Technically the students worked with the text on an acceptable level, even though some had to do comic strip and plays. So all in all our group pleased with the lesson.

If we had more time, we could have analyzed even more, but the second group had the same poem, so we would probably take their work.

Love F.A.N.C.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Guys!

    Your lesson was good and you got something out of the text. You were good teachers, you could help us if we needed it and also the assignments was good because some of them was creative, even though it was not very even divided, but otherwise it was a good lesson we think!


  2. I agree with KNAS that you did a good job - I think it is important that you note that they tell you that you were good at i.e. helping when that was needed :-)
    My compliments to you on a job well done!
